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Automatic double PE paper plate machine
Automatic double PE lamination paper cup forming machine is a multi-station automatic molding machine, which through automatic feeding, sealing (bonding cup wall), filling, filling, heating, knurling, curling and other continuous processes and Photoelectric detection, fault alarm, counting and other functions, is the production of paper cups, cups, coffee cups, advertising cups, ice cream cups or other food cone-shaped container ideal equipment.

Fully automatic double PE lamination paper cup forming machine to make up for the lack of single-sided coated paper cup forming machine (single-sided coated paper cup machine can only produce single-sided PE-coated paper cup, and RF-L12 double-sided membrane paper cup machine can Production of single-sided PE-coated paper cups and double-sided PE film cups).

Single PE coated paper cups and double-sided PE film cups difference: single-sided PE film cups commonly used in the country, the cost is low. Double-sided pE lamination paper cups mainly in the high-grade paper cups, as well as the company's high-end advertising paper cups, the cost of single-sided PE film cups offer high.

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